I started my second weaving project last weekend. I was so excited to use this Noro Sakura yarn for the warp. Sakura is so pretty in the skein. Some parts of it are wound tightly and look just like friendship bracelets and other parts look like bi-color handspun.
I meticulously wound it on my warping pegs (extra long for good measure).
I got Jon to help me wind the warp on my loom - evenly and with cardstock, too.
And then I started weaving. My selvedge edges are much better this time around thanks to Angela's tip to use 2 threads on each end of the warp instead of one.
After a few cranks of the warping peg, a few warp lengths started coming unraveled. While the scarf looks okay in this photo, it's much worse up close. Let's just say that Noro is not strong enough for warping and double knots or scotch tape will not fix broken length of warp! I should have given up when I first saw that scraggly threads coming through the rigid heddle, but I kept going.
After a few days of staring at this project, I've decided to rip it out and save the weft yarn (my precious Plucky MCN Sport!) for another project. Fortunately, I got the Sakura on super sale at my LYS, so I'm only out about $5 and a few hours of crafting time.
I will happily mail the unused Sakura off to anyone who wants to use it for a craft project of some sort (there's about 70, 3 yard pieces of this stuff). Just leave a note in the comments and I'll mail it off.