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Those sculptures are so cool! I should have stopped over after summer camp.

{ENTJ here}


Woah. Those sculptures are completely crazy!


I LOVE the Chihuly glass in the garden. We saw it when it was Atlanta, but there are some different ones at your garden. Are they having them lit at night at all?


Wow, what a cool concept. I've seen Dale Chihuly's work in various museums, but never outside.


How lovely to spend time with your friend! Those glass sculptures are just amazing - the spiky ball one looks like it would have to be blown in place, lol! I'd love to see the installation of these.


Chihuly! My best friend and I saw his work at the Garfield Park Conservatory in Chicago back in 2002 and fell in love with it!
I was able to show my husband a similar exhibit in St Louis a couple of years ago, too.

It is AWESOME to see it and wonder how it was all rigged up. Great photos, too!


Those Chihuly glass sculptures are gorgeous! We get to enjoy some of his work here in Seattle/Tacoma area too.


Those glass sculptures are amazing....It makes me think my mind is bland and totally uninspired when I see such creativity. Really -- who thinks to do this kind of stuff? I don't even dream in such vibrant colors.

I'm glad you're having the chance to reconnect with old friends.


You went to Calvin?! I know a bunch of people that went there, maybe we even know a few of the same?


Love the glass, that must have been amazing to see in person. Glad you got to catch up with an old friend, seems like the perfect way to end a week!

Jenny@Anything Pretty

Looks like you had a great time....and that glass is Just gorgeous...


Yay for meeting up with and spending time with friends! Those sculptures are amazing. Just beautiful.

Miss White Wall

Gorgeous pictures, those glass sculptures are amazing!


wow, those sculptures are amazing!


wow, those glass sculptures are so neat!


I love outdoor installation art! My visit to Loch Lomond (which disappointingly has a mall on its shores) was saved by an art walk with really interesting pieces embedded in nature. I'll have to check this artist out!

I can empathize with your friends yay/distance nay situation. Glad you got to touch base!


I love the art...but what I want to say is "No, I don't go by Becky." I am a Rebecca; I always introduce myself as Rebecca, and I expect to be called Rebecca. At least until you know me a good long time, then you can call me Becca or Bec or Becs, like I call myself. But, then again, I've known me for a good long while.


hooray for meetups with old friends! i'm glad you two had a wonderful visit!

i love the chihuly photos - he is such an amazing artist... mind-blowing beauty.


such a cool place! i'm glad you had such a wonderful time together. i understand full well what it's like to have friends so far away, it certainly makes the visits all the sweeter though!

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