I started a long to-read list while I was doing my library practicum last semester and as soon as I was finished with school I placed a bunch of books on hold. Now, I've been playing a game with myself by trying to read these books before they're due.
I've also been more diligent in keeping my goodreads page up to date. You can friend me and see what I've been reading by clicking on the goodreads link in the sidebar of my website.
It's fun to sit on the couch with Jon and the kitties at night and lounge and read instead of researching or writing papers on my computer.
PS. My Kandinsky quilt was featured on the blog, quiltporn, on Sunday. Wendy has been featuring gorgeous quilts on her blog. Check it out!
well, you got time to reading now!! :)
"quiltporn" what a funny name for a blog, i'll check it out!
Posted by: rosamaria | 11 May 2010 at 12:48 PM
There are times when I find piles of books at our library that I absolutely must check out -- and then I end up going online to renew them several times over because my expectations were just too high. Keep on plowing through those novels.
And I love that quilt that the kitty is lounging on. Greens are appealling to me these days.
Posted by: Jodi | 11 May 2010 at 07:16 PM
I always love seeing photos of your home, it looks so modern. You have quite the pile of books to read before they are due, but I'm sure with your extra time now you'll get them read.
That's cool that your quilt was on another blog, it is a really cool quilt!
Posted by: Stephanie | 11 May 2010 at 07:19 PM
Isn't it nice to have a big selection of books to choose from?
Congrats on having one of your quilts chosen for Quilt Porn! I love them all...great choices!
Posted by: jenclair | 11 May 2010 at 07:40 PM
congratulations on the feature - it is well deserved, your kandinsky quilt is beyond amazing.
and hooray hooray for having time to read *whatever* you desire!! enjoy it, you've totally earned it!
Posted by: melissa | 11 May 2010 at 07:53 PM
Looks like one book will be overdue no matter how fast you read it! lol Too cute! It's so nice to be able to kick and enjoy a little bit of pleasure-reading after tons of student-y stuff - Hope you relish each word!
Great news about your quilt, too.
Posted by: CitricSugar | 11 May 2010 at 08:22 PM
You are feeling exactly how I feel when school gets out for the summer! Congratulations on your quilt feature... very cool! I love that quilt!
Posted by: Debi | 11 May 2010 at 09:09 PM
ooh how lovely to be able to bask in all those books! enjoy!
and congrats on being featured- you totally deserve it, i LOVE that quilt!
Posted by: cmv | 11 May 2010 at 09:24 PM
Well you can always renew them - I MUST stop reading so much, I've been on a reading kick too, I'm getting no sewing done! That pic of kitty is too darling.
Posted by: Allie | 11 May 2010 at 11:49 PM
I like that there's a book titled This Book Is Overdue lol Congrats on the feature!!!
Posted by: Audrie | 12 May 2010 at 12:25 AM
It is great to have time to read. I am reading Catching Fire right now. Congratulations on the quilt!
Posted by: Michelle | 12 May 2010 at 11:17 AM
Oh! Catching Fire! Hurry! Read it! It soooo good. It's pretty much all the rage at my middle school- every teacher and kid seems to have read it.
That third book can't get here soon enough.
Posted by: Shea | 12 May 2010 at 11:18 AM
Been a follwer for a little while - and just added you to my goodreads. This pile looks awesome... I dream for a nice break in life where I can just get lost in books!
Posted by: Anna | 12 May 2010 at 03:35 PM