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love that feeling of accomplishment - it's the best! and i'm looking forward to the recipe for that bread... yum!

Sara Kirby

How relaxing. I did all my laundry on Friday night (and put away) and it felt great to know all weekend that I did not have to do it! I received the bronze for my Olympic Knitting but I still feel pretty good about my progress. Your recipes sound yummy!


I love filling the pantry and fridge, and planning my meals for the next few days :) I tend to go at least twice a week because I hate wilty veggies by the end of the week if I do a big shop once a week only.


That pic of Jon is so cute with kitty! Mine would be laying on the keypad.


Oh, the simple, sweet bliss of a well-stocked kitchen, a warm kitty, clean laundry all put away, and getting to sit for bit, knowing you've accomplished enough for today!

Enjoy it!


I love a catching up sort of day, it can start out seeming like a never ending list of things to do, but by the evening your mind is so clear and it makes the week so much better. Pickle soup has me so curious, they are my favorite food, so a soup sounds devine :)


what a wonderful day of catchup!
it's nice that you have the kitties to lend you a hand!


Yes, please to that recipe! I love baking bread and olive and sundried tomato and walnut sounds divine. As a vegetarian, that Moosewood cookbook gets lots of use!


That sounds great to have a freezer full of soup. I want to try that. Any recipe recommendations? I feel like I can never get caught up because of Melody. I am so exhausted!

By the way, are those Knit Pick Zephyr's that I spy?


those days to catch up are so nice to prep for busy weeks. i hope it makes the week seem less crazy. :)


That is exactly how I spend my Sundays--catching up! I wrote a big ole grocery list today and went through magazines looking for recipes in a 15 minute break I found today. It felt great!


wow, i'm super impressed (and jealous) and how productive you are over there! that's such a wonderful feeling! enjoy all your accomplishments!


sounds like it was a very productive day! checking off the most important items before playing is so, so good! your meal planning is waiting for me as well. knit on!

sew katie did

I wish I could remember what recipes I liked from the Sundays Moosewood book. I still do the cranberry apple bread every year. It has honey, but no other animal products:



i love that kind of weekend! very prductive!

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