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good luck with the basement! i hope it's a fun and satisfying process. your shawl is so gorgeous- and i love that little glimpse into such a warm and cosy craft world home! looks scrumptious!


I can hardly wait to see your befores and afters! You have such a wonderful sense of style. Your shawl looks great - I think I have one of those started somewhere . . .


i'd love to have a few weeks off to deal with home. right now, it's an overcrowded mess, but no time off in sight. sigh!
happy holidays!


We never ever get round to doing anything around the house. I fear the mess, and my husband fears the project lol!

Merry Christmas!! :)


That shawl is going to be pretty, the yarn looks so nice. I love house projects! Can't wait to see the before and after photos. Have fun!


the shawl is gorgeous! looks like you have two helpful little kitty friends!


Good luck on the home improvements. We recently tackled the living room, but it was hard because we have to do everything after Melody goes to bed at night. We painted the living room a Green Tea color. I love it. I am still impressed that we painted the whole living room in one night.

The shawl is looking lovely! And it's striping quite nicely, too.

finger thumb

Of course, what is down time for except huge projects that will probably be somewhat stress inducing. Oh the irony. Seriously, I hope that it is fun, and I can't wait to see the pics.


We're working on a basement clean-up too. I hope yours is going well. I've been taking pictures of the finished re-do. No way will there be "before" pictures. It was too dreary and miserable looking. Can't wait to see what you have done with yours.

Burnham Boilers

In my old home in Ohio, I remember how my basement was my utility room. It had a washer/dryer, heating unit, thermostat, storage area, and we even put in a TV w/ an extra cable line running down so we can watch a show here and there while doing laundry. The best part of our basement was how we situated the mini-TV staging area by setting the love seat right by our boiler. There's nothing like getting efficient heat right where you need it. After all, the basement is usually the coldest enclosed room in the house besides the garage.

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