November 2011

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Fall is definitely knitting time for me. I love running warm wool through my fingers and moving them while knitting keeps them from getting cold! That yarn you bought is so beautiful. I'm going to have to get my hands on that book!


I love your new header!
You always pick the coolest things to do. I can't wait to see your finished afghan. Love the colors, you've got me itchin' for Fall. :~)


those yarns are SO yummy. great colors! and i know what you mean - i've started crocheting again teh past few weeks... so nice to be back in the groove!


I love that afghan, can't wait to see your version!


my sister (as you probably already know this) can't wait to start her fall knitting either. hope you have fun teaching your 2 new students!


that yarn is gorgous!!!


Oh, those yarn colors are delish!


Those colors look great, and so is the pattern. Looking forward to seeing your finished blanket.


That yarn is gorgeous! I love that blanket.

Isn't it a pretty book? I made 2 squares for the Barn Raising Quilt used in the book. One of them is featured on page 146. They even credit me. I am kinda embarrassed about this one, but read the chapter on Knitting Blogs at page 75.

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