Lastest Craft Miracle:
The Beauty Bag from Bend the Rules Sewing
I attempted making this bag last fall and failed miserably (I blame the crappy fabric I used)! This time was a great crafting feat. I finished it in two hours and with little frustration...truly a rewarding afternoon project.
Things I changed about the pattern (it is from Bend the Rules Sewing)
Handles: changed the length from 22" to 24", created 1.5" wide bias tape handles, rather than sewing a two-toned handle. I also moved the handle position from right over the pleat to just inside the pleat
Interfacing: I used a cotton interfacing on the outside fabric (pleats and all) instead of the recommended flannel lining
And, if I ever make this pattern again, I will definitely remember to add a magnetic snap closure!
Fabric: linen-esque khaki fabric from IKEA, tree print from Japan
Something I still don't understand: I had the hardest time doing the final top stitch because the part where the pleats are folded in together has about 12 layers of fabric (three layers from the front pleat and three layers from the back pleat sewn together to attach the outside and lining and then and folded over for the top stitching to create 12 layers) is this supposed to lay flat? I have examined lots of bags in the flickr pool, and none look as bulky as mine. What did I do wrong?
Latest obsession:
weeHomes - We'd love to build one of these some day on a nice patch of property in the woods with enough sunny space for a large vegetable garden. We can dream, right?!
Latest Musical Discovery:
My best NPR find since The Album Leaf: Bon Iver, currently playing at SXSW in Austin. Can't wait until he comes to Detroit!
I had a similar problem making that bag with too many layers of fabric at the pleats. If I make it again I would probably make the lining smaller and without pleats to cut down on bulk. The bag still looks really nice though!
Posted by: abmatic | 13 March 2008 at 05:28 PM
Such a nice bag - I'm sure you'll get lots of use out of it! The lining fabric is very cute, BTW.
Posted by: Lisa | 13 March 2008 at 06:18 PM
I heard that clip on Bon Iver - it sounded really cool! Thanks for the reminder. =)
Posted by: Zarah | 13 March 2008 at 11:43 PM
that lining fabric is stunning! and i love the linen too - ikea? seriously?? it's great!
Posted by: amy | 14 March 2008 at 11:53 AM
Very nice! Your pleats look pretty flat...
Posted by: Sarah | 14 March 2008 at 01:10 PM
Very cute lining. I need to make myself one of these. If only I can stop knitting. :-)
Posted by: Oiyi | 14 March 2008 at 01:42 PM
The latest is great. I love that pattern although I havne't tried it myself yet. Super cute lining and pleat fabric
Posted by: Betty | 14 March 2008 at 01:47 PM
your bag looks great! it does get very bulky and I was wondering if my machine would sew throught all the layers or not. it did, but I had to take it pretty slow, just in case. I don't think yours look any bulkier than mine. I think it's just the pattern.
Posted by: amandajean | 14 March 2008 at 02:47 PM
That looks great! I love the splash of color from the Japanese print. I also think that changing the placement of the handles was a good choice.
I must have at least 6 bag patterns collecting dust. I just need to get up the courage to jump right in and make one.
Posted by: gardenymph | 16 March 2008 at 12:22 AM
Love this bag. I have been thinking of getting this book. Do you like it? How are the directions in it, are they clear and easy for beginner sewers? I have been reading a few reviews on Amazon and now I'm not sure if it would be a good book for me. What do you think of it?
Posted by: Cami | 17 March 2008 at 01:02 PM
Beautiful bag, and I love the interior fabric!
Posted by: debra cooper | 25 March 2008 at 01:21 PM