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I had a similar problem making that bag with too many layers of fabric at the pleats. If I make it again I would probably make the lining smaller and without pleats to cut down on bulk. The bag still looks really nice though!


Such a nice bag - I'm sure you'll get lots of use out of it! The lining fabric is very cute, BTW.


I heard that clip on Bon Iver - it sounded really cool! Thanks for the reminder. =)


that lining fabric is stunning! and i love the linen too - ikea? seriously?? it's great!


Very nice! Your pleats look pretty flat...


Very cute lining. I need to make myself one of these. If only I can stop knitting. :-)


The latest is great. I love that pattern although I havne't tried it myself yet. Super cute lining and pleat fabric


your bag looks great! it does get very bulky and I was wondering if my machine would sew throught all the layers or not. it did, but I had to take it pretty slow, just in case. I don't think yours look any bulkier than mine. I think it's just the pattern.


That looks great! I love the splash of color from the Japanese print. I also think that changing the placement of the handles was a good choice.
I must have at least 6 bag patterns collecting dust. I just need to get up the courage to jump right in and make one.


Love this bag. I have been thinking of getting this book. Do you like it? How are the directions in it, are they clear and easy for beginner sewers? I have been reading a few reviews on Amazon and now I'm not sure if it would be a good book for me. What do you think of it?

debra cooper

Beautiful bag, and I love the interior fabric!

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