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Wow! I'm jealous. That's a lot of books. I'm always on the look out for good buys on books. Congratulations on grad school. I want to go to grad school, but in what I'm so sure.


Congrats on grad school! Are you going to the School of Info at the U of M? That's where I went. Just wondering. ;)


congratulations on grad school! i'm in the process of getting my MLIS right now, but i'm taking the very slooooooow track--only about one class at a time. so, you'll be done before me, but i'll get student discounts longer. :)


Ahhh....John King. Good stuff. The folks who work there are amazing...ask them for any book and within minutes they'll have it for you. Congrats on Wayne!


Recently found your blog - didn't notice you were from MI - and didn't know about John King...Must check out! My hubby would love it.


Congrats on grad school! What an accomplishment. What a fun book store. I'm sure I could spend hours, maybe even days just getting lost in that store.


Congrats on grad school! I've been thinking of taking a few papers towards me degree, I love university!
Second hand books rock, you can get so many more for less money!


OMG, that used book store, more like building, is awesome!! I can't believe it. It's like a factory. I would have fun browsing there for hours. DH and I go The Strand in NYC, but it pales in comparison to that building.

Congrats on getting into grad school!


Hello. Amy's blog led me to you and I had to comment on this because I can't imagine anything more fabulous on a Saturday afternoon than spending it in a used book stores (especially those run by cats!) I have just heard of paperbackswap myself. How do you like it? Does it compare to the in-person browsing experience?


That is so wonderful. I wish that I had something like that in Washington.

I see you are a fan of Lisa See I loved Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and the Bonesetter's daughter. Both such wonderful books.

You should check out Sisterhood of the Traveling Books.

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