Well, the quilt is coming along slowly but surely. I finished sewing the top together last Monday and basted it on Tuesday. We had a pretty busy weekend, so I was only able to get a few rows here and there done. I'm really hoping to finish up the quilting tonight, so that I can move on to hand stitching on the binding (my first try at this technique)
I'm cranking away at the granny squares. I've almost finished round three on all of my squares. Just two more rounds to go after that and I can get to the sewing in the ends and stitching together part of the afghan. I must say that I've been getting pretty speedy at whipping these things out. It helps that I gave my wrist a break and let it heal before starting these again. We watched Blood Diamond on Saturday while I was working on these. I was glad to be distracted crocheting at times during the film because it got quite gruesome and bloddy at points. Jon and I are on an Africa kick right now...learning about all of these crazy civil rights and civil war movements that have happened under our radar in the past 10 year. First it was Hotel Rwanda, then The Last King of Scotland, and now Blood Diamond. Some pretty corrupt stuff going on!
And...the "Rebekah is not so smart" moment of the weekend: I was trying to take our A/C unit out of the living room window. Key word: trying. I opened the window planning to catch the machine, but I was a bit to slow. It bounced off the window sill and fell to the ground and rolled a few times. I shrieked in horror just as the mailman walked across our lawn to witness what I had just done. Boy, was I embarrassed. Jon and I had a good laugh over my mistake after the fact. And no, I'm not planning on seeing if the A/C unit still works until next summer. Ignorance is bliss, right?!?
Finally, my little sister, Rachel, is not so little anymore. She turns 18 today! Man, everyone in my family is getting so old! We're celebrating her birthday by taking her and her boyfriend to Chicago this weekend. I'm excited to show them around the city...it's been a few years since I've been back to visit.
a) Love the quilt. Love the fabric. Admired that pattern for a while now. Love the quilt.
b) If you want to experience some 'pumpkin glitter' you should get the kit that Michael's sells. It has three pumpkinish colors at her glittering glue. I think it was $20.
c) Please tell me that you are going to see the musical 'Wicked' while you are in Chicago- I've seen it twice there. Words do not describe how great it is!!
d) Have fun with the binding. That is my favorite part!!
Posted by: Bobbin | 15 October 2007 at 06:49 PM
The arrangement of fabrics is perfect. The quilt is looking really good. Can't wait to see it completed!
Haven't watched The Last King of Scotland, but I've watched the other two and yes, I have to agree, it's very gruesome stuff that's going on around the world.
Posted by: Taryn | 15 October 2007 at 07:13 PM
See if you can find the documentary titled "Invisible Children". It's about the children in Uganda that are being kidnapped by the LRA. Very powerful movie. I've also got a book entitled "The Aboke Girls" that I just finished. Also about the situation in Uganda. I can bring it back at Christmas if you'd like...
Posted by: Kate | 15 October 2007 at 10:18 PM
I enjoyed Blood Diamond and The King of Scotland. I haven't seen Hotel Rwanda yet.
The quilt top looks great! Handstitching that binding on that size quilt is going to be quite a feat. Good luck!
Posted by: Oiyi | 17 October 2007 at 01:26 PM