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a) Love the quilt. Love the fabric. Admired that pattern for a while now. Love the quilt.
b) If you want to experience some 'pumpkin glitter' you should get the kit that Michael's sells. It has three pumpkinish colors at her glittering glue. I think it was $20.
c) Please tell me that you are going to see the musical 'Wicked' while you are in Chicago- I've seen it twice there. Words do not describe how great it is!!
d) Have fun with the binding. That is my favorite part!!


The arrangement of fabrics is perfect. The quilt is looking really good. Can't wait to see it completed!

Haven't watched The Last King of Scotland, but I've watched the other two and yes, I have to agree, it's very gruesome stuff that's going on around the world.


See if you can find the documentary titled "Invisible Children". It's about the children in Uganda that are being kidnapped by the LRA. Very powerful movie. I've also got a book entitled "The Aboke Girls" that I just finished. Also about the situation in Uganda. I can bring it back at Christmas if you'd like...


I enjoyed Blood Diamond and The King of Scotland. I haven't seen Hotel Rwanda yet.

The quilt top looks great! Handstitching that binding on that size quilt is going to be quite a feat. Good luck!

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